I'm so pleased to be back again for this month's 10 on 10 challenge!! I'm humbled to post my own photos amongst the talent of the other photographers participating in this challenge. Follow the link at the bottom of my page to see them all!
I'm in a need-to-photograph everything season of life. We just moved, we just had a baby, my husband just started a new job within the Marine Corps. But all those things make photography take a back seat. Life is busy. So this monthly challenge is just that. And momma likes. But I do need to throw out a disclaimer: these photos were not all taken on the same day as per the instructions. Sorry. Sorta.
These images do capture our life though and that's of greatest importance. Memories for me and memories for my girls...
My mother-in-law "Nina" brought Disney Princess fabric to do rag curls in Summer's hair. I was 110% positive she would not sleep in them. I was 110% dead wrong. The prospect of sleeping with Belle, Aurora, AND Cinderella in her hair was THRILLING. I liken it to sleeping with Swiss chocolate (which my in-laws brought me from Geneva!) in my own hair. But less mess. |
The day after. Little Orphan Annie! Anyone?! |
Dancing with Nina. And I don't know why I buy clothes. She's in dress up paraphernalia 98% of the time. |
This one is a hoot. Everyone says Summer looks like her daddy and baby Charlotte looks like me. I'm trying not to take their sincere compliments as fat jokes. Because, seriously, look at those cheeks. |
Summer said sister wanted a friend; then, I happened upon this. And can my child rock a faux hawk or what?! |
There's a lotta love up in here.
Is it just me or does she look like she's making some more laundry for me? |
Looking out the window and waiting to spot Daddy's car driving home from work. |
I'm three years into parenting. And there is only one thing I know for sure about parenting children three and under. Ready? "It's a phase." When she was a baby I thought this "old saying" was a load of you-know-what. I thought she'd always nurse every two hours, take five forty-five minute naps a day, and always always loudly fill her diaper in the middle of prayer time at Bible study. And I'm sure the daily "I-not-eat-my-beggies" conversation is a phase too... because I'm 26 this weekend and my dresses no longer have to twirl, my undies can be solids or stripes and not princesses, and I love eating my veggies. But WHEN, when does this negotiating end? I'm trying not to bust out a "because-I-said-so" but I'm close. Right now it's "Sweet Summer it's not a choice. You must eat your vegetables" the first five times. And the last five times it's "Child eat yo peas. And yes you may go potty but then you're coming back to the table and finishing your veggies." Encouragement welcome in the comments sections. |
Just ignore the composition, quality, etc. of this image. I think my ISO was one million or something but I had to include it because this is what I love... in addition to laughing at my three year old who is a master at stalling on the vegetable eating. I love that she wants to be with us, near us, touching us all the time. Daddy is Summer-proofing the kitchen cabinets and she wedged herself all up in there. He's totally not phased but he's laughing. We love her. |
Now please visit the stunning blog of my dear friend, Ginger. She is an inspiring wife, momma, and photographer! Enjoy :)
I love your pictures, the moments you always capture are awesome!
amy, the real moments you've captured are so full of love, humor, and utter sweetness. those gorgeous happy faces could light up a whole town. so happy to have you here...xoxo
Oh Amy, these are fabulous!!! how many things going on girl!!!
Love the talent that you have to make a lifestyle picture in such a GORGEOUS thing!!! love the colors, the light, the love in them. That last picture made me melt and draw a big smile on my face. Love seing your tens now and always!!!!
Amy ~ oh how I love the "realness" of your words. I laughed out loud at your daughter being "all up in there" and I can so relate! We too are going through a rough eating "stage"? with Sophia. She basically doesn't want to eat unless it's raisins, grapes, fishies, chicken nuggets, blueberries, or yogurt. ESPECIALLY if the food is TOUCHING EACH OTHER. So no sandwiches, quesadillas, etc... Basically, I've given up until she is a little older. No child had died of raisin overdose. (That I know of.) I am going to address it again when she is a little older. And then I am totally pulling out "because I said so!" LOL
Gorgeous images. I LOVE the faux hawk! And can not get enough of your daughter dancing with Nina - with neither of her feet touching the ground. So so precious!
amy, i loved these and love being in a group together. i just miss you guys so much and these make me feel as if i can live your day with you. summer and caroline would have such fun together..they would. wow. and the negotiating does get easier as they get older, but it gets into more serious things..which is harder. somehow as time goes by, the food issues just don't seem as important...like you said, one day they will eat better...(OR they won't)...but either way you are doing a fabulous job with your two little sweeties!! miss and love you!
What meaningful images! Totally ok to take them on different days, whatever works for you :) Summer is so cute, especially in that last photo hehe I'm learning about parenting through you guys in the circle, love the advice :)
I'm seriously lol! These are awesome! I love your commentary too:) I love how soft and pretty your processing is too. Just perfect!
I am so glad I found this! I love it, and your photos. For reals. I love the coloring you do and the great angles. I want to be a mom just like you, and a mom photog! :) I wish you still had your other blog as well! Loved that one too! Hope all is well Miss Amy G!!
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