I'm quite excited to join some extremely talented ladies from The Bloom Forum for a 10 on 10 challenge- 10 photos of one day. This month I'm happy to introduce myself and my family with these 10 images. (Correction: there are no images of me. Go figure. But, hello, I'm Amy!)
I captured June 6, 2012. We had our second baby 8 days prior and this was our first day just the four of us. We're settling into our new normal and thanking God for the gift of children... and sleep :)
In a jumbled because-I'm-unfamiliar-with-blogger order...
Meet Summer and her daddy, my hubby: Ben.
They're coming in from their run. |
Following Daddy's leadership outside- doing squats. Do pardon the princess undies. Clothing is optional for those 3 years old and younger at the Grimme home. |
Meet puppy. She is another member of the family... and apparently another member in need of a diaper change. |
The wreath I made for our new little lady. I can't take it down. |
Speaking of little lady, meet Charlotte Elisabeth- the newest Grimme girl. We're quite smitten. |
A visit from our neighbor Miss Ashley. Her celeb status in my almost-3-yr-old's eyes is up there with Cinderella. |
She made me a momma. |
Reuniting with an old friend. |
Hospital flowers on their last leg. |
She loves to watch me color. To keep myself entertained, Sleeping Beauty and other princesses get psychedelic wardrobes. |
Now do yourself a favor and indulge in the gorgeous images of my good friend Ginger...